Have questions for our dentist in Kalamazoo, MI?
Dr. Katherine Bandos understands that patients often have questions between appointments.
Check out our list of frequently asked questions below to learn how to maintain a healthy smile.
To request an appointment with Dr. Bandos, call Kalamazoo Smiles at (269) 353-3700.
Dental FAQ’s
Once you lose enamel, it’s gone forever. For this reason, it’s important that you brush your teeth twice a day and floss once daily. Plaque and tartar buildup can erode enamel, making teeth sensitive. Receding gums can also make teeth sensitive. If you have sensitive teeth, ask Dr. Bandos if there are any products or procedures that can help.
If you suspect you have gingivitis, request an appointment with Dr. Bandos as soon as possible. She’ll be able to recommend a good oral hygiene routine to help you reverse gingivitis.
In general, dental implants can last up to 30 years or even a lifetime with proper care.
Your dental implants won’t last as long if you:
- Neglect oral hygiene
- Skip dentist appointments
- Grind your teeth
- Chew ice
- Use your teeth as tools
- Smoke